Kemaico Rock Tools INC.
Drilling Smarter With KEMAICO.
Quality - Service - Innovation
Kemaico Rock Tools INC.
Perforación más inteligente con KEMAICO.
Kemaico Rock Tools INC.
Forer plus intelligemment avec KEMAICO.
Qualité - Service - Innovation
Kemaico Rock Tools INC.
С KEMAICO бурение становится более эффективным.
Our Story
Kemaico Rock Tools INC.

Kemaico Rock Tools Inc. is one of the leading and highly recognized manufacturers of high quality rock drilling tools, starting operations in 2004. Maxdrill Rock Tools Co.Ltd is Kemaico’s owned factory. Kemaico focus on providing high quality drilling consumables to mining, quarrying, construction, water well drilling, and geotechnical, exploration markets.
As a trustworthy company, we continuously research, design and produce a wide range of rock drilling tools, including top-hammer, down-the-hole, self-drilling and open-hole drilling tools. We always pay attention to customer feedback to ensure products that can help customers get the maximum drilling life, save costs and speed up drilling efficiency.
Kemaico Rock Tools Inc. es uno de los fabricantes líderes y altamente reconocidos de herramientas de perforación de rocas de alta calidad, y comenzó a operar en 2004. Maxdrill Rock Tools Co.Ltd es la fábrica propiedad de Kemaico. Kemaico se centra en proporcionar consumibles de perforación de alta calidad a los mercados de minería, canteras, construcción, perforación de pozos de agua y exploración geotécnica.
Como empresa confiable, investigamos, diseñamos y producimos continuamente una amplia gama de herramientas de perforación de rocas: martillo en cabeza (tophammer), martillo de fondo (DTH), autoperforantes y de agujero abierto. Siempre prestamos atención a los comentarios de los clientes para garantizar productos que puedan ayudarlos a obtener la máxima vida de servicio de la perforación, ahorrar costos y acelerar la eficiencia de la perforación.
Kemaico Rock Tools Inc. is one of the leading and highly recognized manufacturers of high quality rock drilling tools, starting operations in 2004. Maxdrill Rock Tools Co.Ltd is Kemaico’s owned factory. Kemaico focus on providing high quality drilling consumables to mining, quarrying, construction, water well drilling, and geotechnical, exploration markets.
As a trustworthy company, we continuously research, design and produce a wide range of rock drilling tools, including top-hammer, down-the-hole, self-drilling and open-hole drilling tools. We always pay attention to customer feedback to ensure products that can help customers get the maximum drilling life, save costs and speed up drilling efficiency.
Kemaico Rock Tools Inc. is one of the leading and highly recognized manufacturers of high quality rock drilling tools, starting operations in 2004. Maxdrill Rock Tools Co.Ltd is Kemaico’s owned factory. Kemaico focus on providing high quality drilling consumables to mining, quarrying, construction, water well drilling, and geotechnical, exploration markets.
As a trustworthy company, we continuously research, design and produce a wide range of rock drilling tools, including top-hammer, down-the-hole, self-drilling and open-hole drilling tools. We always pay attention to customer feedback to ensure products that can help customers get the maximum drilling life, save costs and speed up drilling efficiency.
Tophammer Drilling Tools
Herramientas de perforación martillo en cabeza (tophammer)
Outils de forage Tophammer
Идравлический верхний молоток Буровое долото
DTH Hammer Drilling Tools
Herramientas de perforación martillo de fonde (DTH)
Outils de forage à percussion DTH
Ударные сверлильные инструменты DTH
Overburden Drilling Tools
Herramientas de avance con tubería de revestimiento
Outils de forage de morts-terrains
Инструменты для бурения вскрышных пород
Self Drilling Anchor System
Sistema de anclaje autoperforante
Système d'ancrage auto-perceur
Самосверлящая анкерная система
Taphole Drilling Tools
Herramientas de perforación para grifos
Outils de perçage de trous de coulée
Инструменты для сверления небольших отверстий
Marble And Granite Drilling
Perforación de mármol y granito
Forage de marbre et de granit
Бурение мрамора и гранита
We’re Dedicated to Serve you All Time.
Nos dedicamos a servirles todo el tiempo.
We’re Dedicated to Serve you All Time.
We’re Dedicated to Serve you All Time.

Check recent achievements.
We provide the effective ideas that grow businesses of our clients.
Éxitos y logros recientes.
Proporcionamos las ideas efectivas que hacen crecer los negocios de nuestros clientes.
Check recent achievements.
We provide the effective ideas that grow businesses of our clients.
Check recent achievements.
We provide the effective ideas that grow businesses of our clients.
Primary Benefits
Why choose Kemaico?
Experience and Expertise
Quality Product
Price and Value
Kemaico is trusted by 10,000+ customers.

How we work?
- 01. Initial Consultation
- We begin by conducting an initial consultation to understand your needs, goals, and expectations. This allows us to tailor our approach to meet your specific requirements effectively.
- 02. Execution and Implementation
- With the plan in place, we proceed to execute the necessary tasks and implement the agreed-upon strategies. Our team works diligently to ensure that each phase of the project is carried out efficiently and according to schedule.
- 03. Quality Assurance
- We place a strong emphasis on quality assurance to ensure that deliverables meet the highest standards of excellence. Our team conducts rigorous testing and evaluation to verify that objectives are met and that the final outcome aligns with your expectations.
- 04. Review and Optimization
- Once the project is completed, we conduct a thorough review to assess outcomes, identify areas for improvement, and gather insights for future projects. We are committed to continuous optimization and strive to learn from each experience to deliver even better results in the future.